Book Review: Room By Emma Donoghue

Title: Room
Author: Emma Donoghue
Published: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-5098-0315-6
Pages: 401
Language: English

Now I know why the ROOM is the number one bestseller. The author, Emma Donoghue has done a wonderful job of creating a profound and unique story.

book review room emma donoghue

Major Characters:

Jack: A five-year-old boy

Ma: Jack’s mother

The entire book is from Jack’s point of view and he is the narrator of the whole story. He was born in the room where his mother was locked for seven years now. He has never been outside the room since his birth. The room and his mother is the world to him.

book review room emma donoghue

I putted (this is how Jack would have said) this book on my to-read list on 2016 and finally read it this year. It is so intriguing and you get startled with the imaginations. This book is so emotional, strong and moving.

It teaches you to have faith and never lose hope and be brave and strong. I am not sure but something inside me has changed a little after reading it and I love this book.

Below is my review of ‘Room’ on Goodreads:


RoomRoom by Emma Donoghue
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! When I finished the book, my eyes were all welled up. So innocent and so strong. I am super impressed with the author’s imagination of the eleven square foot world of two people, the vocabulary and the feeling of the outside. This novel reminds us to be grateful for every day we live and everything we have and most importantly our life. This is so emotional and gets you overwhelmed at so many instances. A must-read for everyone.

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Favorite Quotes from Room

  1. “Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.”
  2. “Everybody’s damaged by something.”
  3. “People don’t always want to be with people. It gets tiring.”
  4. “Stories are a different kind of true.”
  5. “I’ve seen the world and I’m tired now.”
  6. “I think buddy is man talk for sweetie.”
  7. “Sometimes when persons say definitely it sounds actually less true.” 
  8. “Everyone’s got a different story.”
  9. “People move around so much in the world, things get lost.”
  10. “It’s called mind over matter. If we don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”


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book review room emma donoghue

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